The Mobile B59 is a powerful auger rig capable of drilling with large diameter augers and to depths not achievable with the track mounted geoprobes.
Capable of installing 6″ steel casing
Hollow Stem Augers
Air Rotary
Mud Rotary
2″-6″ Diameter wells
Geoprobe 7822DT / AMS VTR-9500
Our Geoprobe 7822DT and AMS VTR-9500 are capable of installing 2″-4″ monitoring wells. Being track mounted machines, They can reach those hard to get locations.
2″-4″ monitoring wells
Air rotary
Mud rotary
Hollow stem auger
Discreet soil and water sampling
Temporary well points
Macro core sampling
2″ prepack well installation
Geoprobe 6610DT
The Geoprobe 6610DT provides big probing power with a small foot print. At only 48″ wide, it can navigate into tight areas the larger probes can’t reach
Macro core sampling
Temporary well points
Discreet soil and water sampling
Prepack Monitoring well installation
Bob Cat Limited Access Probe
Our Bobcat limited access rig is small enough to fit through your typical 36″ door ways. Capable of soil sampling to depths of up to 25′.
Macro core sampling
Temporary wells
Soil gas installation
Air Knife/Pre Clear
The Utilivac VE75 is here to preclear locations to avoid utilities.